jeudi 8 novembre 2012

Good news

This year the number of students has doubled, it went from 54 to 104!
The first-year classes are the most affected. Why not 200 students next year?

mardi 25 septembre 2012

Back to school

The students of mechanics found a nice gift for this new school year.

Nathan brought an old engine recoverd in Douala and made a chassis so shat students can learn to manipulate and remove part easily. The teacher is also very happy.

lundi 23 juillet 2012

Entrance examination

To enter CETIC, students must pass an exam, there are several sessions during the school vacations. Good news : all candidates in this session succeeded !

The parades

Twice a year, on the occasion of Youth Day and National Day (February 11 and May 20), students and teachers of schools parade for the authorities. This year the two volunteers were asked to parade with them.

mardi 27 mars 2012

The two volunteers in their activities :


Nathan repairs the director’s car with the auto mechanics students:

David with the students of secretariat.

jeudi 8 mars 2012

Students of CETIC

The class of secretariat office newly equipped with computers 


Auto mechanics class


Electricity class

mercredi 1 février 2012

The two volunteers

Since February 2012, two French volunteers are helping the CETIC. Nathan Minard prepares the creation of a new industrial class: the mechanized welding by designing and creating machines that students can learn to make. David Lecoeuvre deals with computers, he installed a computer lab with 14 computers and support teachers, students and people of Nkondjock by providing training in office automation and maintenance.