The creation of CAREJ then CETIC of Nkondjock
- When the SODENKAM (Nkam Development Corporation) located in this zone was interested in the development of production of export products and that the pioneers depended on the policy;
- Young people prefer to leave the region to attend vocational training in town;
- Following the strong request of populations in Nkondjock to UEBC (Union of Baptist churches in Cameroon) to create a training center for the supervision of their young.
The Union of Baptist Churches Cameroon (UEBC)
noting that, designed in 1977 a training project whose objectives are:
- Literacy (mostly women)
- Training of young people in agriculture and
- Train youth in electricity
- Training of girls who dropped out of school
and office typing.
This program was accepted by donors, EZE, Brot
Für Die Welt (development aid agencies of Protestant churches in Germany) and
by EBM (European Baptist Mission), UEBC partner. The center opened in 1989. The
missionaries have succeeded to the achievement and stewardship of this project.
But from 1994 the date of currency devaluation and economic crisis it works slowed.
In 2010, slightly more than 20 years after its
creation, the CAREJ saw the birth, following a request made by its founders
(UEBC and MBE), a College of Industrial and Commercial Technical Education
under the name of Protestant CETIC Nkondjock (CPN) in favor of the ministerial
order: No. 280/10/MINESEC/SG/DETN/SDSEPE/TN/CSGEPETN 13 December 2010. This new college is
authorized to teach the young Cameroonians of both sexes in the three following
- Mechanical of automotive repair
- Electricity
- Office secretariat
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